Speculation about why Mr. Putin fired his most trusted associate in the Kremlin

Speculation about why Mr. Putin fired his most trusted associate in the Kremlin 0

There is a lot of speculation surrounding Kremlin Chief of Staff Sergei Ivanov’s sudden dismissal and his replacement by little-known deputy Anton Vaino.

Mr. Sergei Ivanov (left) and President Putin.

This was a big surprise to political experts.

Although Mr. Putin announced that Mr. Ivanov `voluntarily resigned`, commentators said that it was difficult for a person to voluntarily give up the position of Chief of Staff of the President.

According to analysis by author Yury Korgunyuk on Russia Direct: Mr. Ivanov’s appointment as special presidential envoy on environmental and traffic issues shows that Mr. Ivanov can hardly do anything wrong that would cause the president to

However, it cannot be ruled out that this is a continuation of the political moves that began last year, with the resignation of Boris Yakunin as chairman of the Russian Railways Corporation – the largest state-owned railway enterprise.

President Putin seems to be burdened with old friends and acquaintances who have been appointed to important positions in the government.

Furthermore, Ivanov was one of the leading candidates to become Mr. Putin’s successor before the 2008 presidential election. However, Mr. Putin considered carefully and ultimately chose Mr. Medvedev as his successor.

But now the Kremlin Chief of Staff decided to say goodbye.

But now, the situation is not like that when the economy is in recession.

In the future, Putin’s old friends may be replaced by new ones.

According to V.A


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