The private lives of the beauties of `Journey to the West`: The unfortunate fate of Ba La Sat – Princess Thien Phiet

The private lives of the beauties of `Journey to the West`: The unfortunate fate of Ba La Sat - Princess Thien Phiet 2

Who is Ba La Sat – Princess Thien Phiet?

Ba La Sat – Princess Thien Phiet in the 1986 version of `Journey to the West` is the wife of the Ox Demon King, the biological mother of the Red Child, a 7-year-old monster with high magical power that made Duong Tang’s teachers and students miserable, even

The private lives of the beauties of `Journey to the West`: The unfortunate fate of Ba La Sat - Princess Thien Phiet

Because of this feud, when Duong Tang and his students were stuck in Hoa Diem Mountain and wanted to borrow a three-point fan, Princess Thiet Phien repeatedly refused, and once even tricked her into lending her a fake fan, making the mountain angry.

Ba La Sat’s acting style, played by artist Vuong Phung Ha, has delighted audiences for generations.

Before having good acting like this, artist Vuong Phung Ha had been pursuing art since childhood.

Vuong Phung Ha’s career began to have a major turning point after participating in the opera Hoa Diem Son in 1983, playing the role of Ba La Sat – Princess Thiet Phiet.

The private lives of the beauties of `Journey to the West`: The unfortunate fate of Ba La Sat - Princess Thien Phiet

Thanks to her outstanding role as Ba La Sat on stage, Vuong Phung Ha was noticed by director Duong Khiet.

However, the female artist born in 1955 never complained but was always dedicated and tried her best to fulfill her role.

And when `Journey to the West` 1986 aired, the role of Ba La Sat also received a lot of applause from the audience with the emotional acting style that helped Vuong Phung Ha’s version of Ba La Sat to this day remain popular.

In real life, the flower soon wilts

Artist Vuong Phung Ha received much love from the audience after `Journey to the West` was broadcast.

Even though she was seriously ill, she still tried to be optimistic and cooperate with the doctor’s treatment regimen.

During a television program, artist Vuong Phung Ha also felt his death.

The private lives of the beauties of `Journey to the West`: The unfortunate fate of Ba La Sat - Princess Thien Phiet

And the truth is that treatment only helped prolong Vuong Phung Ha’s life for a few more years.

Even though his father has passed away nearly 30 years ago, artist Vuong Phung Ha’s character Ba La Sat is still considered by me to be the most classic and most successful of the versions of `Journey to the West`.

The private lives of the beauties of `Journey to the West`: The unfortunate fate of Ba La Sat - Princess Thien Phiet

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