President Putin spoke out about the possibility of negotiating an end to the Ukraine conflict

President Putin spoke out about the possibility of negotiating an end to the Ukraine conflict 0

(Dan Tri) – President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia is ready for dialogue to peacefully resolve the conflict in Ukraine, but negotiations must take into account Moscow’s interests.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: Reuters).

`We are looking for a comprehensive, sustainable and just solution to this conflict through peaceful means. We are ready for dialogue on Ukraine, but such negotiations must take into account the interests

The interview was posted on the Kremlin’s website on May 14.

`That solution must also include a substantive discussion about global stability and security guarantees for Russia’s adversaries and of course for Russia itself. These must be credible guarantees,`

According to Putin, Russia is `ready to negotiate` about Ukraine and in fact, Moscow has participated in such negotiations.

Mr. Putin said that on April 15, 2022, in Istanbul, together with the Ukrainian delegation, Russia drafted a peace agreement, taking into account the requirements of the Ukrainian side, including those on guarantees.

`Our Western partners tried to convince us that in order to complete and sign the agreement, it was necessary to set conditions. The main issue is that Russian troops must withdraw from Kiev, the capital of Ukraine

Answering a question about China’s stance and efforts in resolving the conflict in Ukraine, President Putin said he supported Beijing’s approach.

According to Xinhua, from the beginning of the Ukraine crisis, China has actively tried to find a political solution to this problem.

`Beijing is well aware of the root cause (of the crisis) and its global geopolitical importance, which is reflected in the 12-point plan called `China’s View on Political Settlement`

Regarding the four additional conflict resolution principles recently proposed by President Xi Jinping, President Putin affirmed that these principles are completely consistent with the above plan.

`Beijing proposes practical and constructive steps to achieve peace by refraining from pursuing interests and escalating tensions, minimizing the negative impact of conflict on the global economy.`

However, according to the Russian leader, neither Ukraine nor Western sponsoring countries support these initiatives.

`Instead, Western elites are stubbornly trying to `punish` Russia, isolate and weaken Russia, providing money and weapons to the Kiev government. They have imposed nearly 16,000 sanctions

Previously, Russian officials repeatedly declared their willingness to negotiate, but on the condition that Ukraine must acknowledge `new territorial realities`.

President Putin’s interview was conducted on the eve of the Russian leader’s visit to China.

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