Russia is skeptical of the West’s haste to identify the perpetrators of the Moscow terrorist attack

Russia is skeptical of the West's haste to identify the perpetrators of the Moscow terrorist attack 0

(Dan Tri) – Moscow expressed skepticism after the West quickly confirmed that the sole perpetrator of the terrorist attack on the Crocus City theater on the outskirts of Moscow on March 22 was the self-proclaimed Islamic State Organization (Dan Tri)

Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov (Photo: TASS).

Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said on March 26 that the West is trying to assert that IS was behind the attack on the Crocus City theater without waiting for the conclusion of the investigation.

`There is something alarming: they are trying to determine in advance that IS is responsible for the tragedy in our country. A simple question that any person, any Russian citizen can ask.

The Russian diplomat emphasized that this detail alone is enough to show that Russia needs to pay special attention and investigate thoroughly.

He added that he and other Russian diplomats are confident that Moscow’s law enforcement agencies will conduct an investigation and determine who was behind the terrorist attack.

Previously, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) said that the country’s security forces had arrested four suspects in the Bryansk region, near the Ukrainian border.

Moscow accused Ukraine of being involved in the attack.

The US and European countries say that the only culprit in this attack is IS.

Earlier this month, the US and several European countries warned Russia about the risk of an `imminent` terrorist attack in Moscow or major Russian cities.

Mr. Medvedev: The Moscow terrorist group must pay their lives

Russia currently arrests 11 suspects in the attack, including 4 main suspects believed to be directly involved in the attack.

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said that those involved in the terrorist attack on the Crocus City theater deserve the death penalty.

`Should we execute them? We should and we will do so,` Mr. Medvedev wrote on Telegram on March 25 when mentioning measures to punish those involved in the terrorist attack at the Crocus theater.

According to him, all those involved in the terrorist attack deserved the death penalty, instead of just the four main suspects.

`All. Anyone who pays, sympathizes or supports terrorist groups must die,` Mr. Medvedev stated.

Mr. Medvedev is one of the senior Russian officials calling for the lifting of the ban on the death penalty that has been in place for decades.

Critics have warned of unintended consequences from Russia’s widespread use of anti-terrorism and counter-extremism laws.

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