Quang Su lost 5kg to make the movie, admitting his character was miserable

Quang Su lost 5kg to make the movie, admitting his character was miserable 2

(Dan Tri) – When reviewing the disturbing scenes in the movie `Heart Rescue Station`, Quang Su admitted that the character he played was a miserable person.

Episode 12 of the movie Heart Rescue Station caused strong emotions with the audience when Nghia (Quang Su) revealed his true face to Ngan Ha (Hong Diem).

In this scene, Quang Su’s acting shows both hypocrisy and perversion, a bit crazy due to blind hatred.

Luong Thu Trang and Quang Su expressed their feelings when watching the performance of Nghia revealing his true face (Photo: Screenshot).

On the VTV Entertainment fanpage, this excerpt received nearly 3,000 comments from the audience.

Some people think that Quang Su’s performance of this scene is not satisfactory, even funny.

Recently, VTV released a clip of Luong Thu Trang and Quang Su sitting and watching this excerpt together.

`It’s so hard to breathe, it’s so cruel. If I were Ngan Ha, it would be beyond my imagination. I myself don’t feel able to sympathize with Nghia at this stage, but there must be a reason for Nghia to do that,`

As for Luong Thu Trang, who plays An Nhien in the film, she expressed her surprise when she first saw the film excerpt with the séances of her two colleagues.

She said: `Watching this part makes me feel so sorry for Ngan Ha. Announcing the truth on my wife’s birthday when my father is in the hospital is cruel. I hope the character arcs will be explained later.

Quang Su lost 5kg to make the movie, admitting his character was miserable

This scene also demonstrates Hong Diem’s acting talent (Photo: Screenshot).

Previously, at the press conference to launch the film, Quang Su also revealed that Nghia will be his `stormy role`.

`No one forced me to lose weight, but I lost 5kg myself to play the role of Nghia. I also had to grow my hair long and apply gel/wax to the character’s shape. The more psychologically complex the role, the more I liked it,` Quang Su

The actor further shared that this is an important role for him.

`From my perspective, all roles represent normal people in society. As humans, there will be good and bad sides. Each person will depend on the context, environment, and conditions.

Quang Su lost 5kg to make the movie, admitting his character was miserable

The actor lost 5kg to play Nghia (Photo: Character Facebook).

Quang Su also said that when he receives comments, compliments and criticisms from the audience, he calmly accepts them to perform even better.

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