Russia gains the `upper hand` in the East, Ukraine counts the days waiting for weapons

Russia gains the `upper hand` in the East, Ukraine counts the days waiting for weapons 0

(Dan Tri) – Ukrainian forces protecting the strategic Chasiv Yar stronghold are still waiting for new ammunition after the US approved a large military aid package for Kiev.

Ukrainian soldiers fire artillery toward Russian forces in Donetsk (Photo: Reuters).

In recent days, Russian troops have advanced west of the city of Avdiivka, which Moscow declared control of in February. Russian troops have advanced to the outskirts of the city of Chasiv Yar, another key target for

Oleh Shyriaiev, commander of Ukraine’s 225th Independent Assault Battalion fighting near Chasiv Yar, said having more artillery shells would help his unit hold its position.

`I hope we will receive artillery shells soon,` Mr. Shyriaiev said at a command post near Chasiv Yar.

`I witnessed the events a year ago when Wagner was advancing,` the Ukrainian commander said, referring to Russia’s powerful mercenary force.

`We received cluster bombs, which significantly changed the situation and we successfully counterattacked,` Mr. Shyriaiev said.

Cluster munitions are banned in many countries but have been used by both Russia and Ukraine during the conflict.

According to Mr. Shyriaiev, better trained soldiers and long-range weapons will also help Ukraine defend its territory more effectively.

`If we had long-range weapons, our commanders would cut off Russian forces from logistics and supply routes,` Mr. Shyriaiev added.

Ukraine has received a number of long-range missiles from its allies.

Russia said on April 30 that Ukraine attacked Crimea with the US-made Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) to penetrate Moscow’s air defense system on the peninsula.

According to Shyriaiev, his unit was almost continuously attacked by Russian drones.

Meanwhile, Russian soldiers are approaching the line using various vehicles.

`They suffered great losses, our army knocked out many of them. But I must emphasize that the enemy has a lot of UAVs (drones) that significantly influence the situation here

According to Reuters, casualties on both sides have been high since the conflict began in early 2022, but with a larger force of soldiers as well as more weapons and ammunition, Russia has prevailed.

Mr. Shyriaiev still believes that Russian forces will not enter Chasiv Yar before May 9, when Russia celebrates Victory Day in World War Two.

The Ukrainian commander said his unit recently received more armored vehicles and drones, which in turn helped supportĀ logistics, including the battalion’s ability to evacuate wounded soldiers.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu on May 1 ordered more and faster weapons deliveries to Moscow’s military campaign in Ukraine.

`To maintain the necessary speed of the attack… it is necessary to increase the quantity and quality of weapons and military equipment supplied to the army, mainly weapons,` Minister Shoigu said in a meeting with

As Ukraine faces shortages of weapons and ammunition, Russian forces have made almost daily tactical advances in recent weeks along the front lines in southeastern Ukraine.

Russia captured 6 villages in the Donetsk region, and reinforced combat positions in the Kharkov region.

General Oleksandr Syrskyi, the top commander of Kiev forces, warned that Ukraine risks losing more territory if the West does not quickly provide weapons.

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