Police announced the opening of an investigation into the death of the `Parasite` actor.

Police announced the opening of an investigation into the death of the `Parasite` actor. 2

(Dan Tri) – After petitions from nearly 2,000 artists in Korea and questions surrounding the death of actor Lee Sun Kyun, Korean police announced the opening of an official investigation into the death of the Korean star.

On January 19, the anti-corruption and economic crime investigation unit of the Southern Police Agency of Kyunggi Province (South Korea) announced the beginning of an investigation into a case handled by the Seoul Police Agency (South Korea).

According to Chosun, the investigation was conducted to address potential concerns and prejudices of the public as well as to ensure fairness in the case of late star Lee Sun Kyun.

Actor Lee Sun Kyun passed away in December 2023, but the suspicion surrounding his death has not ended (Photo: AP).

On December 27, 2023, actor Lee Sun Kyun suddenly passed away, shocking the Korean entertainment industry.

In his suicide note, Lee Sun Kyun admitted fatigue and pressure due to rumors related to his personal life.

After Lee Sun Kyun passed away, many opinions said that the public disclosure of information about the investigation of Lee Sun Kyun and the dense news in the newspaper related to his personal life made the Korean actor disappointed and bored.

As for Lee Sun Kyun’s management company, in early January, they announced that they were collecting evidence and preparing to sue news sites that reported untrue information about Lee Sun Kyun over the past 3 months.

Lee Sun Kyun’s sudden death closed the investigation into the Korean actor’s use of banned substances.

He presented and participated in interrogation with the investigation agency 3 times before his death.

In every time she took samples to test for banned substances, Lee Sun Kyun all tested negative for narcotics.

After the sudden passing of Lee Sun Kyun, a wave of criticism and criticism of police investigation and Korean media reporting exploded in Korean public opinion.

Many opinions say that continuously exploiting personal information and providing detailed information during the investigation process caused actor Lee Sun Kyun to fall into despair, shame, depression and then make extreme decisions.

On January 12, 29 cultural and artistic organizations with more than 2,000 Korean artists held a press conference demanding to reopen the investigation into the truth after Lee Sun Kyun’s death.

`A thorough investigation and turning back the investigation process is the only way to correct wrongdoing and avoid creating the next victim. It’s time to look back at the investigative agency revealing the truth about the crime.`

Police announced the opening of an investigation into the death of the `Parasite` actor.

Lee Sun Kyun presented himself at the Korean police station, October 2023 (Photo: Chosun).

Famous Korean director Bong Joon Ho and his colleagues also called for the enactment of the `Lee Sun Kyun Act` to improve the human rights of individuals under investigation and keep case information confidential.

It was the reaction of public opinion and the strong actions of Korean artists that made the anti-corruption and economic crime investigation unit of the Southern Police Agency of Kyunggi province (South Korea) determined to open an investigation.

According to Naver, the transfer of investigative authority comes after the Seoul Police Department requested additional support to address potential concerns about public bias, while also ensuring fairness in investigating these crimes.

The allegation of suspicion of Lee Sun Kyun using drugs was first made public on October 19, 2023.

Lee Sun Kyun (born 1975) is one of the talented and famous stars of the Korean entertainment industry.

The investigation into the use of banned substances severely damaged Lee Sun Kyun’s image in the eyes of the public.

Lee Sun Kyun was also said to have been blackmailed for 350 million won (6.4 billion VND) before his death.

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